About Reserve Firefighters
reserve firefighters
The Orange County Fire Authority’s Reserve Program is a community-based program that gives members of the community the opportunity to assist Career Firefighters at a variety of emergencies including: structure fires, medical emergencies, traffic collisions, floods, rescues, and a variety of other types of emergencies. Reserve Firefighters volunteer their time to the community solely based on civic and humanitarian reasons. Reserve Firefighters receive a nominal stipend and limited benefits for their voluntary participation in this program.
A Reserve Firefighter is provided a pager that alerts him/her of an emergency call for help. When a Reserve Firefighter can volunteer their time, they will report to the station and respond on an assigned fire apparatus. The OCFA has three levels of service needed:
Level 1: Reserve Firefighters are assigned to an Engine Company and receive training to respond to: structure fires, wildland fires, traffic collisions, incident support, and medical aid emergencies. They may also operate a patrol and/or water tender. (Fire Stations: 11, 14, 16)
Level 2: Reserve Firefighters are assigned to Patrols and receive training to respond to: wildland fires, traffic collisions, incident support, and medical aid emergencies. They may also operate a water tender and/or air utility unit. (Fire Stations: 7, 10, 18, 26, 30)
Wildland Support Unit or Helicopter Support Crew: Wildland Support Unit or Helicopter Support Crew are assigned to Fire Station 18 (Trabuco Canyon) or Fire Station 41 (Fullerton Airport) and receive training in wildland firefighting and special equipment operations.
Reserve Firefighters must be able to dedicate time to attend mandatory training meetings and weekly station drill nights at their respective stations as well as commit to responding to a minimum of 30% of all pages for response.